About us


Remediation and cleaning of oil contaminated soil in the US and Europe has generally reached a technologically advanced level. New contamination, whether oil spills or unmindful use, is today rare and decontamination of brownfields within the European Union is a relatively straight forward affair.

Outside Europe and North America the situation is quite different, especially in countries belonging to the oil producing and exporting countries. Here basic failures are obvious with respect to environmental policy looking at air pollution and groundwater problems as well as soil contamination.

Oil and gas exploration as well as production are going to cause a strong and long lasting impact on soil because of oil spills, drilling fluids, dumping of drill cuttings etc. The pollution of soil is that severe, that agricultural use of land often is impossible without prior cleaning efforts.

Service offerings  

Environmental Concepts Ltd. currently offer two services:

  • Consulting
  • Contracting